Friday, November 11, 2011

J Edgar

So tonight I decided to go watch a movie. I was reading and they suggested seeing J Edgar, so blindly I did. LOL. But really it was a good movie. It went through his whole life from the point just before he became the director of the FBI to his death. I must admit he was a complex man.

As some of you may know, he never married. At one point when the FBI was expanding he met this guy, which became his right hand man. The portrayed him clearly as a gay man, but what was interesting as the hinted through the whole movie J Edgar Hoover was in love with his assistant.

If that was true, I can totally understand that in that era he would need to keep something like that quiet, especially building the FBI up. He made it clear from the beginning that the FBI agents had to meet certain protocols, on and off work. In the end he died, along with his secrets. The end of the movie dictated that the movie was based on rumors and non concrete evidence. Weather it is true or not it does make a great movie.

In this day and age, i would like to believe that if the current director of the FBI came out of the closet (not saying anything about the current director) that the U.S. public would not think any differently of him. Back then it would have been considered Un-American, now days it is common place to have a gay public official.

The movie was good. I do have to admit though when I walked into the movie and looked around, there was only about 5 people younger than me, the rest were I would guess 50 plus. Imagine how funny it was for someone like me, knowing that there is certain gay ideas, when the old people gasped at what they just saw. LOL

Well I would recommend the movie to anyone. It puts an interesting perspective on J. Edgar Hoovers life, and you can learn a lot about how the FBI came into existence.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Its been a while

So I know its been a long while since I blogged, for that I am sorry. I have been working extremely long hours at work the last few weeks, and have barely had time to do anything but come home, or back to the hotel and sleep.

Last night was the first evening in a long time that I actually had time off. We were working at a casino in Tunica, MS. After we got done with the job and got something to eat, i decided to try my luck at the casino. I sat down at one blackjack table and stayed there for 3 hours playing. I was up, then down, then up, then I was down to my last bet, I made it back up again toward the end of the night and walked out of there $2.50 ahead. I was satisfied that I got 3hrs of entertainment and made money in the process. The group of people at the table was just a hoot from the get go. This guy sitting next to me dropped nearly 1000 dollars while at my table. through and through there was only one other person that stuck around as long as I did, but everyone was cheering everyone else on. It was a lot of fun.

Well today I finally got home (back to Murray) early, so I decided to go bowling tonight. I was tired so I only managed to bowl 7 games before I was wore out. On the way home I decided to stop at the gas station to cash in a winning lotto ticket and get some more while I was there. I squatted down at the lotto machine, getting my tickets, which happen to be on the bottom row of the machine. I was bent over, minding my own business getting my tickets. I stood up, turned around, and there was this really hot mussel guy standing about 10 feet back, looking right at me. As soon as I looked at him, he turned and walked up to the register, but I know he was checking me out, and of course I was doing the same. You could tell he just got done working out at the gym right behind the gas station, cause he had the workout shorts on, which by the way was showing his perfectly sculpted A**.

I should of said something to him. Hi or something like that, but no, I just admired him from a far.

Oh well, that's the best part of working in a college town, plenty of eye candy.

Well I am going to sign off know, I hope you enjoyed my blog. If you did, feel free to leave a comment on facebook.
