This was a blog about my coming out of the closet process, but that is pretty much over. Now it is just about me, as a Gay man. I hope you enjoy.
Monday, November 19, 2012
The downside of being out
Okay to start, if you read my last blog, I don't know what happened to my date. Got all ready to go on the date, asked him out, and he never got back with me. WTF, I just understand men. O well that is just water under the bridge now.
So I have discovered, so far, the only downside to being out of the closet. The problem is the influx of friends that you make, when you are more confident about yourself. I used to be an introverted personality, where I would come home from work, watch tv until I fell asleep and do it again.
Now I am out, and more confident with myself, and as a result I have created a few new and really close friends. Now this may not seem like such a bad thing, but the downside is that I have a hard time budgeting the little free time I have with all of my friends.
There is my wonderful friends at the bowling ally in town, a couple of good friends that I work with, and then there is my cousin down in Nashville. The problem is that if I want to hang out with one of them, or do something, then I feel as if I am letting down my other friends. There just isn't enough of me to go around.
I think I need to make sure I have a boyfriend that can get along with all my friends, so even when I do find that someone special that I can still spend my fill of time with my wonderful friends, that are always there when I need them, and even when I don't.
I hope all of your problems are as lame as mine.
Friday, October 5, 2012
A Date Coming UP
So it is almost one in the morning. I have been up and down all night long. I did get about a half hour of good sleep tonight, so I guess I am doing well. I figured since I am up, I might as well make good use of the time and write a little on my Blog.
So this last couple of weeks have been pretty interesting for me. I met this guy on and started chatting with him. We have exchanged phone numbers and have been texting back and forth for the last week or so. He is a pretty cute guy, just a couple years younger than me, which is a lot better than I have tried dating so far. Most of the guys I talk to, are really young, and of course we all know how that worked out. I am still single if you didn't already know. So this guy lives in Paris Tennessee which is just a short half hour from here. The main thing that interested me about him was that fact that he liked photography and being out doors, so I am hoping we can go out shooting together and maybe some geocaching. I don't yet know if he knows what that is, but if he doesn't he is going to soon. Well anyway we are planning on going out next week. The only day I really had available this week was tonight, but he class tonight. Oh did I mention his name was Chris.
I will let you all know how that goes.
Last weekend I bowled in my 4th bowling tournament as a professional bowler. Although I didn't place very well, I think I did okay for the type of oil conditions. I averaged 185, and the cutoff average to the second day was 201. I did get to meet Pete Webber though, which was kind of cool. Definitely does not live up his reputation of being a jerk, from what I saw, he was a great guy, and willing to chat and sign autographs without any disapproval, even from another pro bowler asking. LOL.
This weekend is going to be equally exciting. It is Octoberfest at the racetrack, and I haven't been able to race hardly at all this year. I have but one of four objectives for this weekend. 1. Hit a lot of cones 2. Accidentally drive my car off the track because I am pushing it to hard. 3. Break my car from running it to hard (I am just looking for an excuse to work on my car). and 4. All of the above. Picture me turning into a corner too hard, hitting a cone, getting the car loose, doing a 180 as I am leaving the track, and tearing up something on the car as I bounce through the infield.
Well that is about all I have to say tonight. I am going to lay down and make another attempt at sleep.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
The Hookup
So one of my friends wife has been trying to hook me up with this guy at Lowe's for ever, okay maybe not for ever, but for 4 months or so. Finally I have build up enough courage to go and meet him (i know for months, how pathetic). Well I went to go meet him on Wednesday only to find out that he is on vacation. So I decided to go up there on Friday to introduce myself. So I met my friends wife in her department and she was going to introduce us. After making a couple of calls we found out that he left a few hours before that. She found out when he worked next, which was today, so I decided to head back up there this afternoon to meet him. At long last, not know what he looked like, I got my first look at him today. I think he is pretty cute and I can't wait to actually meet him (if you are following along you just realized that I didn't meet him again today). I walked up there to say hi, but he was with a customer, so I just continued on my way, went and looked at some garage storage stuff, built up the courage to go say hi again, walked over there, and he was with another customer. I went off and did something else for a few minutes and came back, but he was still with the same customer. So I decided instead of looking like a stalker I would come back again another time. I think I need my friends wife to introduce us, that would make the whole introduction thing a little less awkward, and everyone that knows me knows that once I meet someone, I am not usually that shy.
Well that is all I have to say for today, hopefully I will have more to share in the very near future.
Oh and btw I am thinking of starting a new blog, it is going to be interactive, and about cars.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
New member to the family.
Well I have had her for a while, but I haven't blogged in a while. I got a cute new dog, her name is Zoi and she is about 1 years old
Isn't she cute.
She is really the highlight of my day, even though I have to get up earlier in the day, rush home on lunch to let her out, and make sure I go home at night. But with all that, when you have a day like today, it is great to come home to someone that will love you just for who you are, not who other want you to be.
Ever have one of those days where you want to just come home and get a hug from someone you love. Ya today was one of those days, even though I had an excited dog to come home to, it sure would have been nice to come in the door and have someone there to hug me and tell me that you are great the way you are.
There is a song by Owl City that today reminds me "Honey and the Bee". It starts talking about feeling like a bug on a windshield. Ya, well...
Okay enough gushy stuff, needed to get it off my chest.
This last weekend I had my third bowling tournament in Coldwater Ohio. The house was great, mad props to them for the awesome facility. Now on a not so good not, but not a bad note. I came in second to last. Too bad too, it was the perfect set up, wood approach, wood lanes, brand new pins, and a couple of huge name bowlers, it couldn't of been a better time. I was able to take a bunch of pictures on my way home Sunday, and I even got some geocaching done while I was there. Tonight I went bowling just to make sure I still know how to bowl after my wonderful bowling this weekend, and was able to average 233 for 5 games, so I guess I still got it.
Well anyway, I am going to go to bed now, Have to be to work in a few hours.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Okay right now there is a lot of hype in the gayverse about Chick-fil-a. In case you hadn't heard about it (where have you been), but they have strict religious views, not necessarily strictly Christian, but religious all the same. As part of that they are not open on Sundays, they cater to Christian radio by sponsoring concerts and events, most of the time for free or very little costs. Overall they have a strong mission statement and a strong way of thinking. What they do not like, nor believe in is a gay relationships, or gay marriage.
Okay so lets think about it. There is a hugely successful company that was founded, created and operated with a strong believe system. That is amazing and great that a company can stick by its mission and become successful under its own policies, not by the policies that a society calls "politically correct".
In case you didn't know, there is a gay boycott on Chick-fil-a, but really is that going to change the way they operate their business? Are they going to try and make themselves politically correct enough to cater to all types of people, even though they have been thriving for years on the same backbone believes? No they are not.
They are not going around saying that they hate gays, and they refuse to serve us, what they are saying is they don't believe in our life style, and don't choose to accept it within teir organization. Thats great Chick-fil-a, keep doing what your doing, keep strong, and keep the company running the same way it has been proven to be successful even without your VP of public relations.
To all my gay friends out there. If you choose to boycott a company, you have every right. Sometimes it is for good, sometimes it is not so good, but the reality of it all is that not everyone in this world is going to have the same believes and outlook. There are always going to be groups and organizations that hate gays, blacks, whites, Muslim or any other type of group. The solution is simple.... If you don't like the believes of a company or an individual, you have the right to not do business with them. If you don't like Chick-fil-a because they don't like gays, then don't eat there. There are plenty of other places down the street where a gay guy can get a chicken fix.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
A week of Rainbows.
So, as work goes everyone don't worry about me. I will deal with the stress and move on. But thank you all for your comments.
I have had some crazy experiences in the last few weeks that have made things all around pretty good for me. We had this new guy start a couple of weeks ago. I was the supervisor on the job, and I decided to wear my pride bracelet that day. When we got to the job site and got a couple of divers in the water and had a chance to slow down for a minute, he started asking me about my bracelet. He thought it was pretty amazing that I can be out and so open about it at work. I went on to explain to him how hard it was for me to start coming out of the closet, but once I was out, it is so much better. The problem with him is, that he keeps going on and on and on and on about, do you have a boyfriend, why not, making kind of awkward gay jokes. I think he means well, but really, those jokes have to go. I can't think of a good example at the moment, but it just doesn't sound right coming from anyone, gay or straight.
Also this week students are starting to come back on to campus for the next semester. Just down the street from my house is campus, and there is a 2 mile loop that goes around part of campus and down main street. Well this time of year, and usually throughout the semester there are a lot of runners on that two mile loop. This is where I love being me, LOL. I don't know if anyone else has ever thought about it, but being a man has its privileges in this country. We can go around in public with nothing but a pair of shorts on and no one cares, especially me. I love to watch topless men run along this two mile strip. Bodies glissioning from sweat. I know most of you ladies out there, and some of you guys love to watch a beautiful male body run by.
So I was at the bowling ally (on Main Street), getting out of my car to get ready to bowl, when this hot guy was running by. I couldn't help but look, and he caught me looking, but it wasn't an awkward look, he was looking at me the same way I was looking at him. Want to keep looking even though its rude kind of way. That made me feel pretty good about myself, so I smiled as I walked into the bowling ally.
Today, I decided to go to a little place called Gate 28. It is a cute little store, mostly dealing in womens clothing and accessories. Don't worry, I did not go int here to find something for the next drag show. I went in there to buy a birthday gift for a very good friend of mine. I was looking around, trying to make a decision on which bag to get her. I had it ironed down to three. I made my final decision and let the sales lady know that I wanted that one. She said that that was a good choice. While I was trying to make that decision the sales associate was talking with another lady. She was explaining to the sales associate that she wanted this gay guy to do her make up and hair. She kept going on and on, about how this gay guy did this, and this gay guy does that. When I went to the sales associate to tell her I have made my decision, the lady said, awwww, it looks like it will match your rainbow bracelet well. I laughed and pulled the purse up on my shoulder and said.... "ya it goes with it pretty good." Everyone laughed as we went to the counter to check out.
I walked out of the store with a smile on my face, and decided that if my friend or anyone else ever wanted someone to accompany them to Gate 28, I will be in. I really had a great experience.
Hope to talk to you all soon, You can leave a comment on facebook, or google plus. my g+ name is how original right...
Saturday, June 9, 2012
So a lot of things have been happening since I mad my last blog post. One of the major things is that I have officially become a professional bowler. I am so excited. Think of me next Friday, it is going to be the beginning of my first bowling tournament as a PBA Bowler. The first prise is over $4,000.00. Now as
far as letting the colors shine, I figure I will get to know the tournaments a little before that happens, kind of feel them out.
I was thinking about having a custom bowling ball made. I just did some deep diving on a dam and am going to get a nice fat check for the depth I went down to. So I was talking to someone about having a custom spare ball made and bouncing ideas around on what I wanted to have done with it. Someone suggested that I get one of the clear balls with the skull in side. I didn't think that is right for me, after all everyone has a skull ball these days, and I don't want to be like everyone else, so i bounced back with an idea for a unicorn skull ball. Now that would be different, and fit my personality at the same time.
Well tonight after I got done Irish Road Bowling with some great friends at the bowling ally, I went home for a couple of hours and relaxed, then came to the bowling ally and decided to bowl some games. I decided I wanted to bowl 8 games so that I have a baseline to see how I would qualify compared to the last tournament scores. I averaged 225 for 8 games which would of put me in 13th. I hope I can perform that well next week. So I decided to just hang out with my friends and watch the glow bowlers.
Date Night:
So I am watching these people coming in, there are big groups of people like normal, but then there are the smaller groups. There is this group of 3 young adults that come in with a small 2 year old little boy. They are an interesting group. It consist of two guys, and a girl. The two guys interact with each other really well and you can tell that they are into each other, but where does that leave the girl, well I think the girl is the mother of the little boy, with one of the guys. But they all seam to interact well with each other and whatever they are doing seams to work well with them.
Then these two guys came in and started bowling. At first you don't think much of it, guys just like to hang out. Well I was watching them bowl, and when they talked to each other and interacted with each other they seamed to be really close to each other.
I know it is a college town, but it is also a really big baptist town, but it is great to see seemingly open gay couples in Murray, KY. Kind of restores my faith in this little town, to think that there might be someone for me here too. I guess I can only dream.
Well thanks for reading my blog, i hope to blog more and more often.
Like my post on facebook, and make a comment.
Monday, April 2, 2012
How Exciting
So some exciting things are happening in my life and I thought I would share them with you. For one, I am try to be more bold, and starting to get out and meet some people. That doesn't sound exciting to a lot of my readers, but for me it is a big change. I decided to go to the bar the other day with a good friend of mine. Everyone that knows me knows that I am not a big bar person, but I thought it would give me something to do, I would make my appearance, have a drink and maybe something to eat, and then leave. Well I ended up having a really good time. I played darts with my friends wife, sat around the table talking and chatting with them, then I got my typical urge to leave. I fought it as hard as I could, and before I knew it, I was caught in some good conversation with my friend and some of his friends. I ended staying there till last call. I must admit I had such a good time, that I think I am going to do it again, with less hesitation.
Another thing that I think every person should make a point in doing this year is to just cruse through a neighborhood on a early Saturday afternoon with the windows rolled down, and take in the wonderful smell of someone mowing their lawn, or the fresh blossoms on the trees. Trust me, this experience is much better in a convertible, but if you don't have one (sorry) then you need the windows rolled down. I have been driving around in a little red car, often called a pregnant roller skate, for far too long. I have AC in it, and that really limits the experience. Don't worry if it is a little worm, just taking in the sounds and smells all around you is more then worth it. You know how the old phrase goes, wake up and smell the roses, well I say, wake up and smell the grass. errrr... well you know what I mean.
Now the final thing I wanted to talk about is probably the most exciting news of all. You are now reading the blog of the next Professional Bowler. My league ended tonight, and I believe I ended with a 207 average, which is enough to qualify me as a professional bowler. When the final average is tallied up, I am going to send in my application, and that will be that. So if you turn on the TV to ESPN 2 or 3 or 4 or whatever it is at the time and see a cute brown hair guy on the TV with a Rainbow colored bowling ball, it might be me. Well I hope its me, after all how many guys out there do you know that would dare bowl with a rainbow colored ball.
Well I will let you all enjoy the rest of your evening, day, morning, what ever time it is when you are reading this.
P.S. Don't forget to comment on my facebook page.
Another thing that I think every person should make a point in doing this year is to just cruse through a neighborhood on a early Saturday afternoon with the windows rolled down, and take in the wonderful smell of someone mowing their lawn, or the fresh blossoms on the trees. Trust me, this experience is much better in a convertible, but if you don't have one (sorry) then you need the windows rolled down. I have been driving around in a little red car, often called a pregnant roller skate, for far too long. I have AC in it, and that really limits the experience. Don't worry if it is a little worm, just taking in the sounds and smells all around you is more then worth it. You know how the old phrase goes, wake up and smell the roses, well I say, wake up and smell the grass. errrr... well you know what I mean.
Now the final thing I wanted to talk about is probably the most exciting news of all. You are now reading the blog of the next Professional Bowler. My league ended tonight, and I believe I ended with a 207 average, which is enough to qualify me as a professional bowler. When the final average is tallied up, I am going to send in my application, and that will be that. So if you turn on the TV to ESPN 2 or 3 or 4 or whatever it is at the time and see a cute brown hair guy on the TV with a Rainbow colored bowling ball, it might be me. Well I hope its me, after all how many guys out there do you know that would dare bowl with a rainbow colored ball.
Well I will let you all enjoy the rest of your evening, day, morning, what ever time it is when you are reading this.
P.S. Don't forget to comment on my facebook page.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Panama City Beach Florida
Well yesterday I left cold Murray Kentucky for a warmer souther state of Florida. One of the ladies in the office routed me down an absolutely beautiful route, which gave me windy roads, and lots of cool stuff to look at. All and all I have found a new way down to my cousins house that should shave at least a 1/2 hour.
On the way down I was passing by these trees that were starting to get their spring blossoms, it was so pretty. If I would of given into my urge to stop and take pictures, i probably would have never made it down to Florida yesterday.
So I started my hat class today and there is a story there too, but I will get to that in a minute. I was talking to a guy that was from around here, told him I wanted to go to the beach, but because of spring break going on, I might pass.
He told me that the state park was a better place to go, they don't allow alcohol and you have to pay to get in. I thought that sounded like a good idea and headed there after work tonight. I got a lot of great pictures, including a beautiful sunset picture, bird pictures, and a picture of an alligator.
The pictures is not the greatest, even with my zoom lenses, he was hardly getting close enough for me to take a great picture. So I went down to the beach for the sunset and walked barefoot in the sand.
This is the kind of stuff that makes a person feel great.
Oh, now onto my I'm such a dork comment today. So I was actually trying to flirt with a guy today. Well lets just say, I think I was being completely obvious. He was talking to another girl out in the waiting room on one of our brakes. I was listening in, and waiting for an opportunity to jump in. I asked him what he did. I guess he works at an aquarium and is a dive master on a scuba charter boat. But, instead of asking the girl he was talking to the same question, I just kept talking to M.. He is so cute, and I didn't think I would be attracted to a person with long hair, but I was. We talked a little earlier about photography, so it seams as if we have a lot in common. Now only if he were gay????
Well that is all I got for now.
On the way down I was passing by these trees that were starting to get their spring blossoms, it was so pretty. If I would of given into my urge to stop and take pictures, i probably would have never made it down to Florida yesterday.
So I started my hat class today and there is a story there too, but I will get to that in a minute. I was talking to a guy that was from around here, told him I wanted to go to the beach, but because of spring break going on, I might pass.
The pictures is not the greatest, even with my zoom lenses, he was hardly getting close enough for me to take a great picture. So I went down to the beach for the sunset and walked barefoot in the sand.
Oh, now onto my I'm such a dork comment today. So I was actually trying to flirt with a guy today. Well lets just say, I think I was being completely obvious. He was talking to another girl out in the waiting room on one of our brakes. I was listening in, and waiting for an opportunity to jump in. I asked him what he did. I guess he works at an aquarium and is a dive master on a scuba charter boat. But, instead of asking the girl he was talking to the same question, I just kept talking to M.. He is so cute, and I didn't think I would be attracted to a person with long hair, but I was. We talked a little earlier about photography, so it seams as if we have a lot in common. Now only if he were gay????
Well that is all I got for now.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
A lot about nothing
Today I had a great human experience. It was getting late, I was just settling down for the evening when my brother called. He was going to be driving through the town about 1/2 hour from my house, so I decided I would drive up there and meet him for a cup of coffee. We decided instead of grabbing a cup at the gas station and standing out front talking we would go over to the Waffle House. This is where the human experience began. My brother and I sat down at a table at the end of the restaurant and started talking. Of course anyone that knows me knows that it doesn't take long for the conversation to turn to racing. Well we started talking, then one of the guys sitting up at the counter rang in on the conversation. So the three of us had a good conversation about racing until he had to leave. My brother and I continued our conversation. After about an hour the other guys that were sitting at the bar started singing "I've got friends in lower places". It was quite amusing, but there was background music to it. I just figured it was the jukebox playing. We got up and went to pay up at the register, which coincidently was right next to the guys blaring out Garth Brooks. Then I noticed one of the guys had a guitar in hand and was strumming away. He actually sounded good, completely unexpected. Of course my debit card wouldn't run so I stood there for a while until they figured out how to manually run my card. I don't know if they were drunk buy, it dawned on me that the Waffle House is a good place to go to strike up an idle conversation with people that you don't really know. While I was waiting for them to get my card working I ended up talking to this pretty cute guy sitting at the counter. Actually two of the three guys there were really cute. Anyway, but the real experience was not how cute they were, but the fact that the Waffle house seams to be an environment where the barriers we put on ourselves magically disappear.
Another thing I have been meaning to blog about was the area in which I live. Although I love the summer weather, I really don't like the winter, and I want to see palm trees on a daily bases at some point in my life. I wanted to discuss the semi-small town life. Since I have been here I have always felt that I don't quite fit in this town, but all that has changed in the past few weeks. One day I came out of the gas station and this cute guy waved at me and stared as I was walking to my car. I looked at him, knowing that I haven't ever met him before, but he looked at me like he knew me. I soon realized that I have seen him before on one of my gay dating websites. Then the other day I came out of the bowling ally, and I got stopped by a guy that I worked with a couple times three years ago. He recognized me, and I recognized him once he stopped me. After that incident I realized that I am starting to become a fixture in this town. Not just with work, but with everyone in the area. I think more people know me, then I know them. I can't go anywhere in town without running into someone I know. I bowl on a league, and run into these guys everywhere, I am a member of the ham radio club and run into people from that all the time, plus my call sign is so recognizable. The last three letters is BLT so that is what I am known by.
On top of all that I have made some very close friends, and some strong acquaintances in this town. I want to thank all my close personal friends for being there for me, and helping me to fit in, in this town.
Now I am thinking that this town can support me for a good long time, with that being said, I think it is time I start looking for a house in this area. I am close enough to Nashville if I am looking for a little excitement, and of course the Autocross is down there, which starts up in a few days. I am so excited.
Well I need to be getting to bed it is well after 2am and I need to be getting to bed. I have a lot of work to cram into the miata in the next week before the first race.
Another thing I have been meaning to blog about was the area in which I live. Although I love the summer weather, I really don't like the winter, and I want to see palm trees on a daily bases at some point in my life. I wanted to discuss the semi-small town life. Since I have been here I have always felt that I don't quite fit in this town, but all that has changed in the past few weeks. One day I came out of the gas station and this cute guy waved at me and stared as I was walking to my car. I looked at him, knowing that I haven't ever met him before, but he looked at me like he knew me. I soon realized that I have seen him before on one of my gay dating websites. Then the other day I came out of the bowling ally, and I got stopped by a guy that I worked with a couple times three years ago. He recognized me, and I recognized him once he stopped me. After that incident I realized that I am starting to become a fixture in this town. Not just with work, but with everyone in the area. I think more people know me, then I know them. I can't go anywhere in town without running into someone I know. I bowl on a league, and run into these guys everywhere, I am a member of the ham radio club and run into people from that all the time, plus my call sign is so recognizable. The last three letters is BLT so that is what I am known by.
On top of all that I have made some very close friends, and some strong acquaintances in this town. I want to thank all my close personal friends for being there for me, and helping me to fit in, in this town.
Now I am thinking that this town can support me for a good long time, with that being said, I think it is time I start looking for a house in this area. I am close enough to Nashville if I am looking for a little excitement, and of course the Autocross is down there, which starts up in a few days. I am so excited.
Well I need to be getting to bed it is well after 2am and I need to be getting to bed. I have a lot of work to cram into the miata in the next week before the first race.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
I don't know
Okay, I don't know what it is, where it started, but I was in a silly mood so I decided to follow the crowd on this one. The term is 241543903. Please see the picture to the left that explains the number.
Now onto other stuff. I am finding myself a little more free to be me at work and at play. I was in a funk for a while where I didn't want to do anything, didn't want to talk to anyone, didn't want to do a lot. This last couple of weeks have been pretty good for me. I have been working on a job in Nashville, which by the way went really good, but after work we all went out to dinner, with the excepting of C.he just decided to go home every night since he lived so close. So at dinner we have a chance to relax and joke around more as friends rather than colleagues. K. one of the workers, which I would dare say is a friend, I could tell was trying to ask me something all day, but couldn't figure out how he wanted to ask. Finally at dinner he said, "Sooooo, my girlfriend has this guy he works with that she wants to set you up with, but I didn't want to do it unless I knew you were gay. So I nodded my head. So turns out this guy is a manager at Lowe's. They are going to throw a BBQ sometime and invite me and him over to meet at this party. I told K. that would be okay.
Now as far as me doing my own version of flirting, I was talking to another K. LOL I have a lot of friends that start with the letter K.. Well his car broke down, I was trying to see what was wrong with it, There are two things I like, (well more than two), but working on cars, and helping a friend fix a broken car. I asked him what was wrong with it. He replied, "Fuel pump I think, and I wish I knew of a cute guy that knows how to work on cars that could help me". I replied Ouch to the fuel pump and "I know of one" to the other statement. Now I am sorry if I lead anyone on with that whole conversation, but I was feeling really flirtatious that day. K. thanks for letting me flirt.
Anyway I think I have babbled long enough, I will let you get back to your regularly scheduled blogs. If you like this blog, say something about it on my wall.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I know, I know it has been a while. I figured I would log on to reflect a little on what happened last year. My parents seamed to accept that I was gay, I think they might of done that by the end of last year, but the conversations have been more relaxed this year. I was outed at work, which probably all and all was for the better. I don't have to try and be someone different at work. Well that was about it as far as that goes.
So far this year has been uneventful, but really it is only the 10th of January. I got out of work tonight and had to run out. As usual my bracelet came on as soon as I got to the car. I was at Lowes checking out when one of my coworkers got in line behind me. We got to talking and then I realized I had my bracelet on. I am not sure if the new guys at work know yet, but I am sure he does now. I am working with him the rest of the week so we will see what happens with the conversation. I m also working with Carlos this week, so that won't be a bad thing.
Well I will let you guys go, I have to get up at 5am.
Talk to you guys later.
So far this year has been uneventful, but really it is only the 10th of January. I got out of work tonight and had to run out. As usual my bracelet came on as soon as I got to the car. I was at Lowes checking out when one of my coworkers got in line behind me. We got to talking and then I realized I had my bracelet on. I am not sure if the new guys at work know yet, but I am sure he does now. I am working with him the rest of the week so we will see what happens with the conversation. I m also working with Carlos this week, so that won't be a bad thing.
Well I will let you guys go, I have to get up at 5am.
Talk to you guys later.
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