Okay, I don't know what it is, where it started, but I was in a silly mood so I decided to follow the crowd on this one. The term is 241543903. Please see the picture to the left that explains the number.
Now onto other stuff. I am finding myself a little more free to be me at work and at play. I was in a funk for a while where I didn't want to do anything, didn't want to talk to anyone, didn't want to do a lot. This last couple of weeks have been pretty good for me. I have been working on a job in Nashville, which by the way went really good, but after work we all went out to dinner, with the excepting of C.he just decided to go home every night since he lived so close. So at dinner we have a chance to relax and joke around more as friends rather than colleagues. K. one of the workers, which I would dare say is a friend, I could tell was trying to ask me something all day, but couldn't figure out how he wanted to ask. Finally at dinner he said, "Sooooo, my girlfriend has this guy he works with that she wants to set you up with, but I didn't want to do it unless I knew you were gay. So I nodded my head. So turns out this guy is a manager at Lowe's. They are going to throw a BBQ sometime and invite me and him over to meet at this party. I told K. that would be okay.
Now as far as me doing my own version of flirting, I was talking to another K. LOL I have a lot of friends that start with the letter K.. Well his car broke down, I was trying to see what was wrong with it, There are two things I like, (well more than two), but working on cars, and helping a friend fix a broken car. I asked him what was wrong with it. He replied, "Fuel pump I think, and I wish I knew of a cute guy that knows how to work on cars that could help me". I replied Ouch to the fuel pump and "I know of one" to the other statement. Now I am sorry if I lead anyone on with that whole conversation, but I was feeling really flirtatious that day. K. thanks for letting me flirt.
Anyway I think I have babbled long enough, I will let you get back to your regularly scheduled blogs. If you like this blog, say something about it on my wall.