Thursday, October 10, 2013

Some men are jerks

So, this last couple of weeks has been pretty active for me (relationship wise).  I have been actively looking on the internet, talking to friends, talking to friends of friends, basically trying to put myself out there as much as I can.  In the process I have talked to a lot of different types of guys.  Appearance aside, because anyone that knows me knows that that is not a deciding factor for me.  Most of the guys I just have a casual hi, like your profile... and on like that, then there are the really wonderful guys that the more you talk to the more you want to talk to them.  The guy I am talking about lives a far distance from me, but still hasn't detoured me from at least saying hi to him as much as I can.  We have been talking back and forth for the last couple of weeks, even though we were introduced before that.  I guess that's what happens when a couple of shy guys try and talk to each other.  It is way to early to say I have any feelings for him, but I do at least want to keep him around long enough that I hope to develop feelings for him.  I know I just said that he is far away, and that looks don't matter, but in reality he is far away, and for the record he is cute as a button.  I am loving the conversation time I am having with him, and I hope that the couple times a year that I will be in his area we can at least talk face to face.

Now I know, this is all gushy and stuff, but that is the nature of this particular post.  I know that the post is titled men are jerks.  That is what I am getting to know.  Okay so the other side of what I was talking about from above.  I have been talking  to a lot of other guys is the past few weeks, pretty much keeping my account open and active so people can message me.  I know lame, "that's putting yourself out there", but it is what it is.  I am the kind of person that will answer any post.  Well have been talking on and off to others, and some of them are nice, true guys, others are not.  I am not the kind of person to tell someone straight out that I am not interested in them (Fault).  I had an example of a jerk today.  He was talking to me, but his profile was really vague, so I started some small talk to get to know a little bit about him.  He was really short with his answer, and begged that I call him.  Kept going on and on about how horny he was, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.  So I finally got sick of it, thought I was going to have a decent conversation over lunch, instead I get this.  I finally had enough of it.  The following is what I sent to him, forgive the grammar it was on the cell phone,
"Sorry I not available to help u with that situation.  I understand that you don't seam to be into small talk.  And all you seam to want is a good wank.  That is not me.  So I won't waste anymore of your time.  Good day." 
Coincidentally that was the last I herd of him for the day.

For all the guys out there that are talking to me for a quick wank,  STOP now.  I have had enough of it.  I want to get to know you first.  I am a true believer that a relationship built on friendship is more likely to last than a relationship built on sex.
