Okay that is enough mush for now. I need to talk about a serious topic tonight.
The topic of religion has come up again in the truck ride home. Instead of bursting out with my opinion, i opted to sit back and listen to the banter of a couple of guys go back and forth about their believes. I have pretty to much come to the conclusion that I am lost in my religion right now. I have always been brought up as a christian, first as Presbyterian, then as Methodist. I will admit there are things I understand and don't understand from both perspectives. But I am not sure what shoe box of a religion I fit in....if any.
I have some core believes, I believe in "God" or a higher power than us. I believe in Jesus, the son of God. I understand his purpose and that he has died, paying the ultimate price for our sins. I believe that there is more to life than that of our physical being. I don't know if I believe that our souls resign in heaven/hell for the rest of eternity, or if we come back in another physical form to do it all over again.
I have had a crazy thought when I was younger that; maybe we are given a body to live and learn about Christ and to earn our way into Heaven to live eternally as a freed spirit, free of the stresses of every day life, free of wondering what you have to do to make sure that you can always put food on the table. But if for some reason you lived a great life, had all the fun you wanted. followed your own rules, damn the consequences. That life choice would win you another trip back to the beginning of life to do it again and see if you can get it right the second...third....5,000th time.
I don't really know where I am with my faith, but I am willing to hear people out. I guess I am on a spiritual quest and looking for guidance.
I welcome a Facebook discussion on this one.
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