This was a blog about my coming out of the closet process, but that is pretty much over. Now it is just about me, as a Gay man. I hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I had no negative reactions, and in fact I felt more empowered per say. I was out of my shell telling the whole world... okay maybe all of spring hill that I was gay and I was proud of it.
Well when I got back into town Monday morning, I had to put my new pride gear away in the glove box. It is anticipating coming out and playing, calling me from the glove box. "Just put me on! its okay". I wish I had it in me to wear it around town, with the possibility of running into someone at work. Maybe some day soon. In face I live in a town of 15000 people, and there are only two people other than me that live inside the city of Murray, so really the odds of running into someone from work is only like 1 in 7500 right.
Well that is all I wanted to say tonight.
Leave me some feed back and let me know what you think.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Who let the gay out?
I ordered today a very nice looking pride necklace, it is silver and it has the rainbow beads built into it. The other thing I ordered is one of those rubber bracelets that are really popular right now. I myself wear them all the time, and feel naked when i don't have one on. Well yesterday it broke on my, so it is time to get a new one. This one is a pride one.
Although I am excited to get them in, and I will wear them with pride, however I can't wear them to work yet. I am not out yet at work hardly at all, so until I a ready for the shock factor, the jewellery will stay on my computer desk till the weekend when I bring it out, and be myself again.
Well I hope u all have a good night.
Friday, April 16, 2010

Okay if you are reading this then you probably haven't read the one I posted just before this. Another subject came up that I wanted to talk about, so despite that fact that I have to get up in less than 6 hours to go to work, I am going to write another blog.
I saw another article, let me tell you I saw this guy first that was associated with the blog. I guess this hot muscular built guy was dressed up to look like a unicorn. Oh My Gosh, it was fabulous. I guess he was doing something or other with Lady GaGa for a show, but WOW.
So anyway, I will get to the point of what I just said in a sec, but starting this weekend is the beginning of Gay Pride season. The first big event is this Saturday in Miami, FL, Wish I could be there, I guess if any one of my readers has some extra plane tickets laying around to Miami for this weekend, let me know. LOL
So my point with this whole posting is the unicorn outfit. Wow if rainbows weren't already great, now we are adding unicorns in the mix. OKay, well this article was talking about seeing a theme of unicorns this year in the Pride Parades. Sounds like fun, and I intend on going to my first parade this year.
Have fun, and keep the Unicorns coming.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Don't act so straight.
Okay as I mentioned to a few of you this was going to be a semi serious topic. I was reading this article online the other day about discrimination and peoples attitudes. And before you start hating the homophobes out there, it isn't them. It is the Homo's out there that are self discriminating on people of the same orientation. Here's the deal. I guess there are some in the closet or discrete gay people out there that turn there noses to those that are out and extreme. You know who I am talking about. The Flamers, the Queens, the Kings, ect... Well that is where I thought other gay people had a hand up. Us gays are suppose to have a hand up in the discrimination aspect. We don't look at a straight couple, and insult them behind their back. We have all been bread as that being normal. Then when we find out we are not normal (which is totally awesome) we shouldn't discriminate against people that have the same feelings. This helps us break through the stereotypes not just with gays and straights but with all aspects of discrimination. We are gay, open, free and of course the reason they call us gay is we are always happy. LOL, well we try to be.
Okay I have had enough serious talk. I for the most part am a fairly masculine man that can with a little self control fit into a straight stereotype, but really their has to be a contrast. Without a contrast there would be no interest. I myself get a lot of pleasure at listening to a flamboyant person, or a drag queen. OMG I really like watching stuff with drag queens in it, they are so fascinating and so interesting, and hopefully I don't offend any one, but they make me laugh. I get happy and enjoy who I am.
I have another topic but I will save it for another blog.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I needed a beer
The weather down here right now is just plain awesome. I got out of work, it was really warm out, but I needed to blow off some steam so I went to the bowling alley. After I got out, I decided to go to subway get a sandwich for this evening, and while waiting in line I was thinking that a nice cold beer would hit the spot. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't usually drink beer. I didn't want to go to the bar and drink, not a lot of fun alone. So I decided that I was going to drive to Tennessee and get some beer, since I can't get it in this county. The whole bible belt dry county thing.
I got home and one of my many sister in laws was on, So I got to talking to her, I am so glad I told her I was gay, so I can talk about it anytime with her. She just loves to talk, and I love talking to her. Especially since she is not shy, and will come out with whatever is on her mind. Sometimes I think she thinks she is going too far with some of her questions and stuff, but I really like it, and I really like to talk about my sexuality.
Well I am out of here for tonight, going to finish my beer, watch phidous and ferb and enjoy the rest of my evening.
P.S. If you see a red car driving around town with an R in the window, give me a toot, wave, or blow me a kiss. I might get as red as my car.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Another friend in the loop
I will let you go,
P.S. I hope everyone has rainbow wishes and unicorn dreams. LOL, thats right I just made that up.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
back in High School
I think I have been acting gay for longer then I really remembered. I remember when I started in High School I ran the lighting and sound booth for all the plays and musicals. I really enjoyed this kind of stuff, but I remember one day it was after school got out for the day, there was about an hour or two gap until the play was going to start rehearsal. I was in the projection room getting stuff set up when I came across an old tape. I threw it in the tape player to listen to it. It was a techno remix of some classical music. Well I guess the music got my creative side going. I turned the auditorium lights down blasted the music on the auditorium speakers, and started playing with the stage lights, dancing the lights to the music. I got an awesome setup on stage, and couldn’t resist. I went down to the stage and started spinning and dancing to the music in the beautifully lit stage. After about 10 min. one of the faculty members came in. She was just curious what was going on in the auditorium, so I just explained that I was just killing time until rehearsal started.
Looking back on that day, I just have to laugh.
I hope you enjoyed this little look back into my past. Many, many moons ago