Thursday, April 15, 2010

Don't act so straight.

Okay, I know a few of you out there have been expecting this blog from me. Since I kind of promised it to some and haven't produced it yet. Although I am not sure it will be posted before midnight, so technically I didn't get it out when I promised that, so for that I am sorry.

Okay as I mentioned to a few of you this was going to be a semi serious topic. I was reading this article online the other day about discrimination and peoples attitudes. And before you start hating the homophobes out there, it isn't them. It is the Homo's out there that are self discriminating on people of the same orientation. Here's the deal. I guess there are some in the closet or discrete gay people out there that turn there noses to those that are out and extreme. You know who I am talking about. The Flamers, the Queens, the Kings, ect... Well that is where I thought other gay people had a hand up. Us gays are suppose to have a hand up in the discrimination aspect. We don't look at a straight couple, and insult them behind their back. We have all been bread as that being normal. Then when we find out we are not normal (which is totally awesome) we shouldn't discriminate against people that have the same feelings. This helps us break through the stereotypes not just with gays and straights but with all aspects of discrimination. We are gay, open, free and of course the reason they call us gay is we are always happy. LOL, well we try to be.

Okay I have had enough serious talk. I for the most part am a fairly masculine man that can with a little self control fit into a straight stereotype, but really their has to be a contrast. Without a contrast there would be no interest. I myself get a lot of pleasure at listening to a flamboyant person, or a drag queen. OMG I really like watching stuff with drag queens in it, they are so fascinating and so interesting, and hopefully I don't offend any one, but they make me laugh. I get happy and enjoy who I am.

I have another topic but I will save it for another blog.


1 comment:

  1. I have NEVER appreciated those who talk about anyone behind their backs, gay or straight! I have very close friendships with both flamers and low keyers and have been really blessed that none of them take the "I'm a higher level of gay than you are" road. Anyone who thinks they are higher than anyone, doesn't have a clue what life is about. And you know, you don't need them in your life anyway! That's what I think anyway.
