So last week I ordered some pride jewellery. I ordered a necklace and a bracelet. I got those in just before the weekend. As soon as I was done with work for the week, I pulled them out of my glove box and put them on with pride. I wore it all weekend, everywhere I went, and proudly showed the colors around my neck.
I had no negative reactions, and in fact I felt more empowered per say. I was out of my shell telling the whole world... okay maybe all of spring hill that I was gay and I was proud of it.
Well when I got back into town Monday morning, I had to put my new pride gear away in the glove box. It is anticipating coming out and playing, calling me from the glove box. "Just put me on! its okay". I wish I had it in me to wear it around town, with the possibility of running into someone at work. Maybe some day soon. In face I live in a town of 15000 people, and there are only two people other than me that live inside the city of Murray, so really the odds of running into someone from work is only like 1 in 7500 right.
Well that is all I wanted to say tonight.
Leave me some feed back and let me know what you think.
You should try it dude! Who's gonna know? And honestly who's gonna care? You're most likely gonna find that people around you, at work or not, may be more accepting of it than you'd think. Even the bible thumpers in your little town.