Friday, July 30, 2010

Its been a while.

I know its been a while since my last post. I have let one other person know, a couple of weeks ago. That was M. He came over to my house the other day to help me get my Fiero ready for racing the following weekend. Finally after wearing my necklace around him for weeks he ask me whats up with the necklace. I replied what do you think is up with the necklace. He looked at me quietly for a few minutes than said: "so you like guys". I told him yes, he said he was having a hard time reading me, and are you straight up with me. I told him I was, and he said, "thats cool, nothing changes between us. We always thought you were gay but never new for sure". Well now he does. He still talks to a couple of people at work, and i didn't tell him that work does not know, so who knows what will come of that.

This last month or so has been really hard for me to be in the closet. I haven't had any me time really. I have been on job after job for weeks now, and my weekends have been jam packed with racing lately. In fact, I am typing this right now in the back seat of the work truck on my way home from a job. I am planning on doing some minor work on the Fiero this weekend, and I have to run into work for a few hours on Sunday, but other than that, I am going to try and have me time this weekend.

Well that is all I have to say this afternoon.


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