Tuesday, October 11, 2011

National Coming Out Day

Well today is the day for all the gay men and women out there to reminisce on their stories of coming out of the closet. For me, it happened just about a year ago, or at least that's when I told my family. Most of you know the story, so I won't get into to much details. I was up with my family for the Thanksgiving holiday, I went through the entire weekend stewing over how I was going to tell them, but I was ready to tell them. Over a series of the few days I was there, I decided I wasn't going to leave back home without telling my parents. I had two agendas for my timing on it. The first was I wanted to tell them before the Christmas Season, Christmas is very important to our family, and I didn't want that to ruin the holiday if for some reason my parents had a hard time dealing with it. The second was I was just about to leave to go home, and I had to tell them. My dad was at work, so I couldn't tell him face to face like I really wanted to, but I told my mom. After some tears and a long couple of weeks she seamed to have a hard time with it. Mostly about her concerns for my safety. My parents are the best and my worst fears of how they would react did not even come close to coming true. They couldn't have taken the shocking news any better. No my relationship with my parents is as strong as ever.

So today, I posted a note on my facebook page wishing everyone a happy coming out day. I have been posting notes and other random post that were gay related. So essentially, now is my coming out on facebook.

One of my good friends at work asked me today why October 11th. For that I didn't have an answer, but I did find an article when I got home from work tonight. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jordan-roth/national-coming-out-day-2011_b_1003951.html It is a good article basically explaining that national coming out day is not for all of those that have yet to come out, but it is for all of those that have already come out. It is for sharing stories, and putting yourself out there so other closeted people know who you are, and that they can come to you with issues, questions, or concerns. I think that's a great way to treat this holiday.

Although as of yet, I am not sure of why the date is today, but what I am sure of is; If anyone reading my blog needs to talk about anything, I am here for you. Just E-mail me at kfrogger1@yahoo.com.


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