Saturday, March 27, 2010

I told my older brother

Well I was talking to my brother on the phone today, he was driving through the mountains in Wyoming so he was in and out of signal. I lost his signal for a moment and so out of fun I shouted out, "I am gay". My cousin looked at me and we started laughing. He didn't hear me, but while I was waiting for him to call me back I was talking to my cousin. Turns out he already voiced his theory with my cousin long before I told my cousin. So when he called me back I told him.

He was cool with it, I am glad. I am glad that I am starting to come out to family, however he warned me that if I let my younger brother and his wife know, it will most certainly get back to my parents. I think the correct order in this case is to tell my parents first, then tell my younger brother. I think he already knows, but has not ever said anything due to lack of confirmation.

Well all is well, another person on my checklist of people to tell, and still no negative experience. Tomorrow my brother is going to tell his wife, so I am sure that I am going to get a call or a text tomorrow.


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